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Disruptor London 👄 Get Lippy With the Eve Appeal

Help us raise awareness about gynaecological cancers and fund scientific research4 min read6 May 2023 (Updated: 12 May 2023)

The Eve Ap­peal is a UK-based char­i­ty that was found­ed in 2002 by a group of women who had all been af­fect­ed by gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers in some way, ei­ther through per­son­al ex­pe­ri­ence or through the ex­pe­ri­ence of a loved one. They rec­og­nised the need for in­creased re­search into these types of can­cers and the need for greater aware­ness among the pub­lic.

Rais­ing Aware­ness

The five main types of gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers are womb, ovar­i­an, cer­vi­cal, vul­val and vagi­nal. These can­cers can be dif­fi­cult to de­tect and are of­ten di­ag­nosed at a late stage, mak­ing them more dif­fi­cult to treat. The Eve Ap­peal is work­ing to change this by rais­ing aware­ness of the signs and symp­toms of these can­cers and en­cour­ag­ing women to seek med­ical at­ten­tion if they no­tice any un­usu­al symp­toms. A lot of ef­fort goes into ed­u­cating and in­forming women about the signs and symp­toms of gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers, as well as pro­vide in­for­ma­tion on pre­ven­tion and ear­ly de­tec­tion.

Can­cer Re­search

The char­i­ty also funds re­search into new treat­ments for gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers and sup­ports the de­vel­op­ment of new screen­ing meth­ods that could im­prove ear­ly de­tec­tion rates. Re­search fund­ed to date has made a great im­pact in un­der­stand­ing the ge­net­ic and en­vi­ron­men­tal fac­tors that con­tribute to the de­vel­op­ment of these can­cers.

The char­i­ty has helped to fund the de­vel­op­ment of new treat­ments, in­clud­ing tar­get­ed ther­a­pies that can im­prove out­comes for pa­tients with ad­vanced-stage can­cers. The char­i­ty has also sup­port­ed the de­vel­op­ment of new screen­ing meth­ods, in­clud­ing a test for ovar­i­an can­cer that is cur­rent­ly be­ing tri­alled in the UK.

Let's Get Lip­py!

As part of their ef­forts to raise aware­ness, The Eve Ap­peal has es­tab­lished part­ner­ships with oth­er or­ga­ni­sa­tions to reach a wider au­di­ence and in­crease its im­pact. This is where their Get Lip­py cam­paigns aim to break down the stig­ma and taboo sur­round­ing gy­nae­co­log­i­cal health by en­cour­ag­ing women to talk open­ly and hon­est­ly about their bod­ies and any con­cerns they may have. This year's cam­paign en­cour­ages women to “get lip­py” by speak­ing up about gy­nae­co­log­i­cal health and to feel em­pow­ered to take con­trol of their health. The Get Lip­py cam­paign also aims to raise funds for The Eve Ap­peal's re­search and ed­u­ca­tion­al pro­grams.

Every May, the cam­paign is sup­port­ed by unit­ing some of the biggest names in health and beau­ty like Tesco, Har­vey Nichols, and CEW UK (Cos­met­ic Ex­ec­u­tive Women). And this year, Dis­rup­tor Lon­don is join­ing them to make the 2023 cam­paign big­ger and bet­ter!

“The Get Lip­py cam­paign is chal­leng­ing the taboos that sur­round gy­nae­co­log­i­cal health and mak­ing a real dif­fer­ence in get­ting in­for­ma­tion out to an au­di­ence who want to look af­ter their well­be­ing. Beau­ty brands are a pow­er­ful force for change and can be a force for good, the brands in­volved are do­ing a bril­liant thing and the fam­i­lies of the fu­ture will thank them.” says Car­o­line Neville, Pres­i­dent of Cos­met­ic Ex­ec­u­tive Women.

Through­out the cam­paign, par­tic­i­pat­ing brands do­nate a por­tion of their prof­its to the char­i­ty, al­low­ing The Eve Ap­peal to con­tin­ue its vi­tal work in the fight against gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers.

In ad­di­tion to the sale of Get Lip­py Prod­ucts , the Get Lip­py cam­paign also fea­tures a range of events and ac­tiv­i­ties de­signed to raise aware­ness of gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers and the im­por­tance of ear­ly de­tec­tion. These events in­clude work­shops, talks, and fundrais­ing events, all of which aim to bring peo­ple to­geth­er in sup­port of this im­por­tant cause.

This year in their de­but year Dis­rup­tor Lon­don has com­mit­ted to do­nat­ing 10% of all prod­uct sales to raise aware­ness of the five gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers and en­cour­age every­one to Get Lip­py and Loud by open­ing up life-sav­ing con­ver­sa­tion with an ex­clu­sive event host­ed in part­ner­ship with In­de­pen­dent De­sign­er Con­cept Store Lone De­sign Club on 30th May 2023. Please join us on this free event with a full dis­cus­sion pan­el and drinks at West­field Shop­ping Cen­ter in Lon­don.

All Thanks to Your Gen­eros­i­ty

The Get Lip­py cam­paign is a pow­er­ful ini­tia­tive that aims to raise aware­ness of gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers and em­pow­er women to take con­trol of their health. By break­ing down taboos and en­cour­ag­ing open con­ver­sa­tion, the cam­paign has the po­ten­tial to make a real dif­fer­ence in the fight against these types of can­cers.

The Eve Ap­peal is a vi­tal char­i­ty that is mak­ing a real dif­fer­ence in the fight against gy­nae­co­log­i­cal can­cers. The char­i­ty's com­mit­ment to rais­ing aware­ness, fund­ing re­search, and sup­port­ing pa­tients and their fam­i­lies has al­ready led to sig­nif­i­cant progress in this area. How­ev­er, there is still much work to be done, and con­tin­ued sup­port for the Eve Ap­peal is es­sen­tial if we are to find a cure for these dev­as­tat­ing dis­eases.

Please join us at our event, get in­volved and sup­port beau­ty brands like us that are try­ing to make a dif­fer­ence in an of­ten ne­glect­ed area of women's health.