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Storage Solutions

Helps extend the life of your shampoo, conditioning and shave bars.

Shop Storage

For people and planet

High Performance

We've spent two years per­fect­ing sol­id beau­ty for­mu­las for hair, scalp and skin. Treat your­self to bars that lat­her eas­i­ly and work as good, if not bet­ter, than the pol­lut­ing lega­cy bot­tles they aim to re­place. Let your hair and skin en­joy cleans­ing for­mu­las with rich nu­tri­ents and nour­ish­ing ac­tives.


Buy less so that there will be more. We've cre­at­ed for­mu­las that com­bine in­gre­di­ents for the ul­ti­mate mul­ti-func­tion­al prod­uct.

Zero Waste and Plastic Free

Or­gan­ic, ve­g­an and up­cy­cled in­gre­di­ents that do not pol­lute wa­ter streams. We'll nev­er use petro­chem­i­cals, parabens or sul­phates.

Introducing Our Multi-Purpose Shampoo Bars

High-per­for­mant for­mu­lae to sham­poo, con­di­tion, cleanse and shave.

Up to70
1 BarWashes3 Plastic Bottles



Revitalises, cleanses and rebalances



Relief for sensitive skin and scalp



Clarifying, exfoliating and brightening

Flake Free


For dry itchy scalp, dandruff, or flakes

Mission Driven

We be­lieve that the beau­ty in­dus­try is a big con­trib­u­tor to the cli­mate cri­sis and pro­motes over-con­sump­tion. That's why we ex­ist as a so­cial en­ter­prise that puts peo­ple and plan­et first.

Plastic-Free Storage

Whether it's for the show­er, trav­el or the gym, we have it sort­ed. In­crease the lifes­pan of your bar with out plant-based stor­age so­lu­tions.

Shampoo Bar Storage


Plastic-free case, made from plant-based materials. For travel and the shower.

Shampoo and Soap Bag


Exfoliating sisal shampoo and soap saver bag